Category | USL 6U & 8U | USL 10U | USL 12U | USL 14U |
Balls | Soft ball regulation size or larger | Soft balls or NOCSAE lacrosse balls | NOCSAE lacrosse balls | NOCSAE lacrosse balls |
Cards | No cards, teams do not play short | No cards, teams do not play short | NFHS Cards | NFHS Cards |
Checking | No checking | No checking | Modified checking | Transitional checking |
Coaches | Coach may be on field to instruct ALL players and officiate | Remain in Coaching Area | Remain in Coaching Area | Remain in Coaching Area |
Covering Ball | No covering ball with stick or body | No covering ball with stick or body | No covering ball if opponent in playing distance | No covering ball if opponent in playing distance |
Defending Goal | No defending goal by standing in the 5-yard space in front of goal unless marking an opponent | No defending goal by standing in the 5-yard space in front of goal unless marking an opponent | Shooting space rule applies | Shooting space rule applies |
Deputy Goalkeeper | If goalkeeper used, no deputy goalkeeper | No deputy goalkeeper | No deputy goalkeeper | No deputy goalkeeper |
Field Lines | Goal circle with 6’ or 8.5’ radius / No restraining line | 8.5’ goal circle + 8M arc / No restraining line | 8v8: Cross-field 60-70yds x 35-45yds 12v12: Full field | NFHS field lines |
Field Size | Small sided field | Small sided field | 8v8: Small sided field 12v12: Full field | Full field |
Goals | 3’x3’ or 4’x4’ | 4’x4’ or 6’x6’ | 6’x6’ | 6’x6’ |
Length of Game | 4 x 6-minute running clock / 5- minute halftime | 4 x 10-minute running clock / 10-minute halftime | 4 x 10-minute running clock / 10-minute halftime | 4 x 10-minute running clock |
Officials | Not required / 1 Official may be used | 1 Official required / 2 recommended | Officials required / 2 recommended | Officials required / 2 recommended |
Offsides | Not applicable | Not applicable | 8v8: Not applicable 12v12: NFHS offside procedures | NFHS offside procedures |
1 v 1 Defense | 1v1 defense required | 1v1 defense in midfield | Not required | Not required |
Overtime | No overtime | No overtime | No overtime | No overtime |
Players | 3v3 up to 7v7 / Goalkeeper not recommended | 4v4 up to 8v8 with goalkeeper | 8v8 or 12v12 with goalkeepers | 12v12 with goalkeeper |
Restraining Line | None | None | NFHS | NFHS |
Scorekeepers | Score not kept | Scorekeeping a local level decision | Scorekeeper at table | Scorekeeper at table |
Self-Start | Players must pause before self-starting | Players must pause before self- starting | Players must pause before self-starting | Players must pause before self-starting |
Sphere | 12-inch | 12-inch | 12-inch | 12-inch |
Start of Game and Quarters | Winner of coin toss starts at center / Players line up in defensive end to start / Opposing team starts next quarter | Draw | Draw | Draw |
Start After Goal | Ball to defender at side of goal circle / Player self-starts | Goalkeeper clear if goalkeeper used / If no goalkeeper, ball to defender at side of goal circle & player self-starts | Draw | Draw |
Sticks | Small stick / No pocket limits | Small or NFHS stick / No pocket limits | NFHS stick and pocket | NFHS stick and pocket |
Stick to Body Contact | Prohibited except for incidental contact | Prohibited except for incidental contact | Prohibited except for incidental contact | Prohibited except for incidental contact |
3-Seconds Closely Guarded | 3-Seconds closely guarded rule applies | 3-Seconds closely guarded rule applies | 3-Seconds closely guarded rule applies | Not applicable |
3-Seconds in 8M Arc | Not applicable | 3-Seconds rule in 8M arc applies | 3-Seconds rule in 8M arc applies | 3-Seconds rule in 8M arc applies |
Timekeepers | Official, if used, keeps time / Teams designate timekeeper if no official | Officials keep time or designate timekeeper | Timekeeper at table | Timekeeper at table |
Timeouts | 1 team timeout | 1 team timeout | 2 team timeouts | 2 team timeouts |